Sunday, March 22, 2009

The world is full of stupid people

Young drivers get a lot of slack these days. I realized why this weekend. No sooner had I received a five minute call for lunch with my handsome man, than another call followed saying it would be postponed, some idiot just ran into him. By the way he relayed the message I thought it was merely a fender bender, a slight inconvenience in our weekend schedule.

"Come down the road," he said. "I can't leave just yet."

He heard the hesitation in my voice. "Don't worry, you'll see us."

Strolling down the road casually, I let my mind wander about the endless list of things I had to do this coming week. Then I turned the corner. This was no fender bender, in front of me my other half's car was a crumpled heap with the gigantic man that he is standing next to it.

An 18 year old driver had run a red light and slammed at full speed into the driver's side what makes this particularly ironic is my boyfriend is a policeman. Honestly how stupid can you get?

Thankfully folks my poor man is sore but fine, currently recuperating with the aid of serious drugs but really, not only did this idiot run a red in front of a police car he then turned and slammed straight into oncoming traffic, into the police car. Stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

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