Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mum to do book signings

In a hilarious take on parental pride, my Mum has been doing her part to promote the book. It seems however, it may have backfired as Angus & Robertson suggested she do the signing in my absence. If you know my Mum you'd know why this might be quite terrifying. I think it's fabulous!

In case she does decide to do it, I'll take a poll, if my Mum was to do a book signing of Sunshine on Sugar Hill (she is in the book quite a lot), what should she sign as?

a) Mum of Angela Gilltrap
b) Proud parent of Angela Gilltrap
c) A fabulous person in her own right, H Gilltrap
d) Or Mammas rock!

You decide!


  1. Hi Lovely,
    I would be happy with Mammas rock! or Proud parent of Angela Gilltrap.
    How about I sign a Proud friend of Angela Gilltrap. I am telling everyone about your book.
    Belinda :)

  2. Thanks babe. Will let Mum know. lol!
