Monday, July 6, 2009

Book gets thumbs up from

Most people rarely, if ever, read the acknowledgements page of the novel they're reading. I do. Mainly because I know how much the people around you mean when you are doing something as time/energy and emotionally consuming as writing a book.

As my little pile of freebies gets smaller and smaller, I have to write lists to make sure the appropriate people finally get a copy of the book I have been talking about, crying about, having a mental breakdown about for the last two/three years.

Mr. Meyerson (as he's known in the acknowledgements) certainly helped me get through the worst of it. Being signed on to instant messanger can be quite a burden as he was soon to find out. I tested everything out on him from funny bits to serious stuff. ie. This is funny right? Isn't it? Or is it just me? Have I been writing this crap for too long? By myself? Do you think it's funny? Do I need to get out more? No, really you can tell me.

Patiently he told me when it was funny and when it wasn't. He stopped work momentarily to tell me I should take a break. I am forever grateful. Check out what he had to say on his fabulour blog:

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